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Veronica julgustab noori osalema EVS projektides: “EVS muutis täielikult minu elu!”

22. juuni oli taas hetk jätta hüvasti ühe vabatahtlikuga, kes töötas Tähe noorteklubis 10 kuud. Need 10 kuud on olnud täis suureks kasvamise valu ja rõõmu, enese avastamist ja täiendamist, pisaraid ja naeru, üksiolemist ja koosolemist, õppimist ja õpetamist ja mis kõige olulisem – maailma muutmist. On olemas väljend – maailma jaoks oled sa keegi, aga kellegi jaoks oled sa maailm, ja minu arust sobib see ütlus hästi väljendama vabatahtlikku teenistust. Vabatahtliku teenistuse ajal avardub maailmapilt ja mõistetakse, kui suur ja erinev on tegelikult maailm, kuigi samas võib ette tulla ka üksiolemist. Aga ära muretse, sest juba järgmise nurga taga võid sa kohtuda inimestega, kellest saab sinu uus perekond!

Hispaanlanna Veronicaga hüvastijätt ei möödunud pisarateta, sest igas lahkumises on võlu ja valu. Minu aeg Tähe noorteklubis saab läbi ning seega oli Veronica minu viimane EVS, kellele mentor olin. Ma loodan väga, et saan töötada veel mitmete EVS-idega, sest see toob soojuse südamesse, avardab maailmavaadet ja hoiab pidevas arengus. Toetades kedagi, kes õpib oma piire ületama, pead ka ise enda piire ületama.

Järgnevalt saate lugeda Veronica tagasivaadet vabatahtlikule teenistusele Tähe noorteklubis.

Is the moment to assimilate that this experience has finished and my life in Estonia is over. Now, I feel myself much more different than when I arrived to this country, and I know that this EVS changed completely my future life.


I have been 10 months in Estonia, and, I’m not going to lie, it has been difficult in some points. It was the first time I was alone, far from my family, my friends and my normal life. But after the first months, everything started to have meaning. I found a new life. One that I made by myself. With a new “family”, the people that were with me every day, every difficult moment, but also the moments those were happy, funny. They made me have memories that I’m sure I will never forget.

I have been working in three youth centres in Estonia. In three different towns were I met also a lot of youngsters and also youth workers. I am not going to say names because I know it’s not necessary. The people that I really care we will still have contact and we are still taking care of each other.

11713570_10207915461312813_1594035917_n I learned a lot about youth work and also a lot about my personality and my capacities. If someone is reading this blog and asking themselves if you should go abroad and do an EVS, I would say definitely YES! Don’t think a lot about it. These types of things are better when you don’t plan so much. Just be brave and go for it. A lot of surprises and experiences are waiting for you outside your home country. It doesn’t matter if you have also bad experiences, because at least you learn something new and you will see how strong you are.

Between my tasks, I have been doing cooking days with youngsters in Rannu youth centre, where we cooked together and later ate as a price of being working in groups. Sometimes we also did movie nights in both, Rannu and Roiu, youth centres. I also had art classes about handicrafts in the three youth centres, and, the activity I wanted to do since the very beginning, International evenings, where some people from other countries visited us in the youth centre to speak about their home country and the reason they were in Estonia.

To finish I just want to thank everyone that were with me during this time. I learnt something from everyone. And be sure I will never forget you and I will never forget your country. Hope to see you soon.

Aitäh! Nägemist!

Verónica Cruz de la Rosa